Supplier page

Use the Supplier page to view the supplier details.

The Additional Supplier Info and Contact Information tables display only if VAN User is set to Yes.

Customer-defined name of the supplier.
Supplier ID
Customer-defined, unique supplier identifier that links Supplier Exchange data to outside system data.
Outside Processing
Whether the supplier is involved in an outside process that is monitored through Supplier Exchange. Only suppliers flagged as being involved in outside processing are viewable through the Outside Processing module.
VAN User
Indicates whether the supplier uses a VAN to communicate. If selected, the supplier is a VAN user. If left blank, the supplier is not a VAN user and accesses data through Supplier Exchange. Displays only if the VAN module has been purchased.
A unique nine-digit identifier of businesses.
Street address.
State or province. Available list is based on the Country selection.
Postal Code
Postal code or ZIP code.
Time Zone
The time zone of the provided address.
Name of a contact at the supplier site.
Email address of the contact.
Registration ID
Customer-defined, case sensitive ID of at least six characters. Must be provided to the supplier to use when registering for Supplier Exchange.
Registration Key
Customer-defined, case sensitive password of at least six characters. Mut be provided to the supplier to use when registering on Supplier Exchange.
Registration Key Confirmation
Verification of the password entered in the Registration Key field.