CUM Receipts page

Use the CUM Receipts page to view the part received details.

Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts are to be sent.
The company responsible for supplying and shipping the part.
PO Number
The purchase order number associated to the requirements.
Last Receipt Date
When the last receipt was published for the part.
The number of parts indicated as received on the receipt.
CUM YTD Required
The cumulative quantity of parts required by the customer up to and including the first time slot of the current schedule.
CUM YTD Received
The cumulative quantity of parts received as indicated by receipts up to and including the last shipment the customer has acknowledged receiving.
The difference between the YTD Required and YTD Received. If negative, the supplier is behind in shipping. If positive, the supplier is ahead in shipping.
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