Hosts page

Use the Hosts page to view the details of the host.

Host Name
The name of the host that is used for receiving or sending files. Entering the host name allows you to distinguish between more than one computer profile in Supplier Exchange. Typically, the host machine is a desktop or server at the customer's location, but it can be a VAN.
The method in which data is transferred. The available methods are: FTP (File Transfer Protocol), EDS ELIT (FTP to the VAN), IBM IE (FTP to the VAN), GXS ICS FTP/s (secure FTP to the VAN).
User ID
The User ID for the account located on the host.
Case sensitive FTP password for sending or receiving communication. Used by Supplier Exchange to access the host.
Confirm Password
Verifies that the password was entered correctly. Case sensitive FTP password for sending or receiving communication. Used by Supplier Exchange to access the host.
Operating System
The operating system the host machine is running. The available operating systems are: UNIX, OS400, DOS, and WINDOWS.
IP Address
The TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) address of the host. The IP Address must be registered with Supplier Exchange.
Port Number
The FTP port number used to communicate with Supplier Exchange. This number defaults to port 21 if no number is entered. This number can be changed but not deleted.
Time Zone
The time zone in which the host resides.