Associating forms with business units

After you have finished designing forms, you can associate them with one or more business units. This is particularly important if the form relates to a function that has value label or analysis dimension information, which is business unit specific.

Uwaga: You must recompile your forms after updating analysis dimensions, value label descriptions or user labels. Failure to recompile the forms, for any functions that use either of these types of data, prevents you from accessing them.

To associate forms with business units:

  1. From the View menu select Form Access.
  2. Specify this information:
    No Business Unit Specified
    Select this option to invoke no business unit restrictions. After compilation, only one RFX file is generated per language, which can be used across all business units. This option cannot be selected if the form relates to a function that has business unit specific information. If you are using SASI forms, No Business Unit Specified is automatically selected and no other options are available. SASI forms can only be created or edited within Full Mode.
    All Business Units
    This option is normally only used if the form relates to a function that has business unit specific information, such as value labels or analysis dimensions. A compilation carried out when this option is set generates a separate RFX file for each business unit in your current installation, per language. It is recommended that you select this option, if you use business unit specific information and you are likely to create new business units at a later date.
    Specified Business Units
    Select this option to ensure that forms can only be used for the business unit(s) you choose from the list displayed on the Form Access dialog. A compilation carried out when this option is set generates a separate RFX file for every business unit you have checked, per language. When you create additional business units and you require new RFX files for them, you must select the new business units from the Specified Business Units list.

    The default option is No Business Unit Specified, unless your form contains business unit specific details, in which case All Business Units is the default.

  3. Click OK.
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