
This topic explains the buttons located on the Bill of Materials Manager toolbar. These actions are also available from the menus.

New Version, New BOM, Edit BOM and Close BOM

Use the New Version button to create a new version.

Use the New BOM button to create a new BOM. Alternatively, from the File menu select New BOM.

Use the Edit BOM button, or select Edit BOM from the File menu, to open a parent item if you know the item code. This displays the Edit BOM dialog. Input the required item code and click OK. The display changes to show the selected item as the parent item, and its details in the other dialogs. If the item contains a BOM, the details are displayed.

Use the Close BOM button to close the current BOM. Alternatively, from the File menu select Close BOM.

Save All (Non-reversible)

Use the Save All button to save all changes you have made to the current BOM. Alternatively, from the File menu select Save BOM.

Uwaga:  Save All is non-reversible.

Print BOM Tree and Print Preview

Use the Print BOM Tree button to print the current BOM tree structure as shown in the BOM Structure section of the BOM dialog. Alternatively, from the File menu select Print.

Use the Print Preview button to preview the print of the BOM tree. Alternatively, from the File menu select Print Preview.

Undo and Redo

Use the Undo buttons to undo one or more actions. Alternatively, from the Edit menu select Undo. Click the down arrow button on the left of the Undo button to display a drop-down list of available actions to undo, if more than one is available. Click the action you want to undo. If you do not see the required action, scroll down the list.

  • When you undo an action by selecting it from the drop down list, you also undo all actions above it in the list.
  • You cannot undo an action after the BOM has been saved.

Use the Redo buttons to redo one or more actions. Alternatively, from the Edit menu select Redo. You can only use the Redo buttons after you have used the Undo button - so this reverses an undo. Click the down arrow button on the right to display a drop-down list of available actions to redo if more than one is available. Click the action you want to redo. If you do not see the required action, scroll down the list.

  • When you redo an action by selecting it from the drop-down list, you also redo all actions above it in the list.
  • You cannot redo an action after the BOM has been saved.

Copy, Cut, Paste and Delete Version

Use the Copy button to copy the currently selected version to the Windows clipboard. Alternatively, from the Edit menu select Copy Version.

Use the Cut button to remove the currently selected version and store it in the Windows clipboard. Alternatively, from the Edit menu select Cut Version.

Use the Paste button to paste a version stored in the Windows clipboard to the currently selected location. Alternatively, from the Edit menu select Paste Version.

Use the Delete button to delete the currently selected version. Alternatively, from the Edit menu select Delete Version.

Uwaga:  You cannot delete a version which is the subject of an open sales order.

Show/Hide Details

Use the Show/Hide Details button to switch the Item Selection Result section on and off. Alternatively, select Show/Hide from the View menu.

Find and Replace

Use the Find and Replace button to display the Find and Replace dialog. Alternatively, from the View menu select Find and Replace.

Expand Version and Expand All

Use the Expand Version button to expand the details of the selected version shown in the BOM Structure section. Alternatively, from the Action menu select Expand Version.

Use the Expand All button to expand all the details of the current BOM shown in the BOM Structure section. Alternatively, from the Action menu select Expand All.

You can also click on the following icons mag_glass_1.png and mag_glass_2.png adjacent to the required version to expand and collapse these details.

Add Component

Use the Add Component button to add a component to the current BOM.

Filter and Clear Filter Criteria

To search for an item, enter your search criteria in the Item Selection section, and use the Filter button to apply the filter.

Use the Clear Filter Criteria button to clear the parameters entered in the Item Selection Window.

Help Topic

Use the Help Topic button to display Bill of Materials Manager Help.


Use the Exit BOMM button to close the Bill of Materials Manager application.

Tematy pokrewne