
This topic explains some terminology commonly used in the Bill of Materials Manager module.

  • Tree structure

    The structure used by BOMM is in the form of a tree with branches. This is similar to that of a family tree.

  • Node

    The indent on the tree structure where the bill of materials or component is added.

  • Parent item

    The top level of the tree structure. The item that contains the bill of materials, or the item under which the bill of materials is created.

  • Component

    The child item used in the bill of materials.

  • Single level BOM

    A bill of materials which is made up of component items.

  • Multilevel BOM

    A bill of materials which is made up of component items, some of which may themselves contain a bill of materials.

  • Circularity check

    A validity check carried out by the system to ensure a component does not contain the parent item. If this check fails, an error message is displayed.