Searching for items

You can search for an item by specifying search criteria in the Item Selection section of the BOM dialog:

  1. Specify this information:
    Item Code
    You can specify a range of item codes to be searched for in the From and To fields. For example, to search for item codes beginning with C, enter C in the From and To fields. To search for all items check the All check box.
    To search for items with specific text in their description use this field, or check the All check box.
    Product Group
    To search for items in a specific product group use this field, or check the All check box.
    Item with BOM only
    Check this box to only search for items which include a BOM. The results of the search are displayed in the Item Selection Result section of the BOM dialog.
  2. After you have entered your search criteria in the above fields, click Filter.
    To clear the criteria entered in the Item Selection section of the BOM dialog, you can click each one individually. To clear them all, select Clear Filter Criteria from the BOM toolbar or Action menu.