Window layout

The Bill of Materials Manager window is split into the following main areas:

  • Item Selection window

    The area at the top left of your screen. This is where you can enter filter criteria in order to search for items.

  • Item Selection Result window

    The area at the bottom left of your screen. This shows the results of the search carried out from the criteria entered in the Item Selection window described above.

  • BOM Structure window

    The area at the top right of your screen. This is where you create the bill of materials, and shows the tree structure.

    You can change the focus in the BOM Structure window so that a component is shown at the top of the tree structure. To do this right-click on the component and select Change Root. This is useful when constructing a large multilevel bill of materials in order to see the detail more clearly. This is non-reversible.

  • Details window

    The area at the bottom right of your screen. This shows the detail of the item, bill of materials or component currently selected in the BOM Structure window.

  • Toolbar

    Also displayed is the toolbar, which allows you to easily access functionality also available from the menus.

  • Status bar

    The status bar at the bottom of the window displays the current operator ID and business unit.