WebViewer Changes

This topic specifies all the changes to be made to existing interfaces to make them work with the Web Viewer. This topic specifies the table name changes, the column name changes, and the new and deprecated columns.

AS 5.4 AS 5.5
AS_ChangeoverMatrix AS_TransitionMatrix
AS_ChangeoverMatrixElements AS_TransitionMatrixElements
AS_ProcessStepResourceGroups AS_ProcessStepResourceGrpsTbl
AS_Resource AS_ResourceTable
AS_ResourceChangeover AS_ResourceTransition
AS_Stage AS_StageTable
Column changes
Table name Column name Change
AS_ProcessStepMatrixCriteria as_transition_direction NEW
AS_ResourceTable as_non_standard_setup_after_id RENAMED TO as_non_std_setup_after_id
as_formula RENAMED TO as_changeover_duration_formula
as_idle_time RENAMED TO as_setup_idle_time
AS_ResourceTransition as_changeover_rule RENAMED TO as_transition_rule
as_changeover_matrix RENAMED TO as_transition_matrix
as_transition_direction NEW
AS_StageTable as_shapexpos DEPRECATED
as_shapeypos DEPRECATED
AS_TransitionMatrix as_matrix_type NEW

These changes have already been incorporated in the AS 5.5 template file "WV4AS_ODBC.xml".