Daily Production Orders

You access this report by selecting Daily Production Orders in the navigation menu.

You can filter the report by these criteria:

  • Order Completion
  • Order Type
  • Unit
  • UTC Offset

You can recalculate the dates by choosing an absolute offset to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). In the data received by , all time stamps have been converted to UTC. Depending on the hour of day at which a Itemion order is raised, and the time zone in which the report is viewed, UTC-based data might be confusing. To view Itemion orders by reference to your local time, select the UTC offset for your time zone.

Select criteria and click Recalculate.

For each location, the report shows:

  • Production Order ID
  • Order Type
  • Unit
  • Start Date
  • Order Completion
  • Actual Quantity
  • Lead Time
  • Lead Time Variance. The deviation between planned manufacturing lead time (duration) and the actual manufacturing lead time for a manufactured item.
  • Overrun. The time by which a Itemion order runs beyond the planned end date.
  • Punctuality
  • Product
  • Operation
  • Actual Reject

Click the Order Costing tab to open the linked report.

See Daily Production Orders Order Costing.