
As you navigate between the reports within a domain, parameters deliver the context of one report to another. That is, dates, Items, customers, etc., selected in one report are transferred to the next.

Note: Do not use the report tree to navigate between reports. If you do so, the report parameters cannot be initialized correctly, resulting in #N/A value errors and empty selection lists.
Each dashboard and report has a toolbar with these options:
Icon Description
Go to the previous report.
Go to the current dashboard.
Go to the Go to the Home page, from which you can select dashboards.
Reload current report to fetch the latest values from the server.
Export current report to pdf.
Export current report to Excel.
Filters the data that must be displayed in the report.
Dashboard settings.

See Settings.

Reports also have these icons:
Icon Description
Create more space in a report by hiding the filter selection lists. Click the up arrow to hide the lists and the down arrow to reveal them.