How APS Interprets Job Status

Each CloudSuite Industrial demand transaction (such as a job order, estimate job order, or production schedule) has a status code to indicate its progress in the production cycle.

For example, a job may go through these stages:

  • PLN: A planned order created by APS to fulfill a demand. These orders appear on the Planning Detail and Material Planner Workbench forms.
  • Firm : The default value for new jobs. The job has been entered for planning purposes. You "firm" a PLN to create a job with a status of Firm. For estimate jobs, this status is Working. For production schedule items, this status is Planned.
  • Released: You release the job when it is available for production.
  • Scheduled: The job has been scheduled in the Scheduler.

APS plans demands differently based on this status code. The status code changes the date the demand consumes any required materials and the date the completed supply will be available.

Status Quantity Material Components Consumed at... Job Supply Available at... Description
PLN n/a Job's projected start date. This date is controlled by APS and is not visible in CloudSuite Industrial. This is the date the system "thinks" the job can start, based on the latest plan data. This date may change. Job's projected end date (controlled by APS) Planned orders display on the Planning Detail and Material Planner Workbench forms.
Firm, not scheduled AND Preserve Pre-Released Production Dates parameter not selected Fixed Job's projected start date (controlled by APS). Projected date (displayed to the user in the Projected field) The lack of a component or resource capacity on an operation may push the job start or end date out.
Firm, not scheduled AND Preserve Pre-Released Production Dates parameter selected Fixed Job's Start date (user-entered) End date (calculated with lead time or by incremental planning) APS plans the operations, and if they extend past the job End date, it generates an exception message.
Released, not scheduled AND Plan Materials at Operation Start parameter not selected
Released, not scheduled AND Plan Materials at Operation Start parameter selected Fixed Job operation's Start date End date (calculated with lead time or by incremental planning) APS plans the operations, and if they extend past the job End date, it generates an exception message.
Scheduled (Firm or Released) Fixed Job operation's Start date or the Job Start date if the operation Start date is blank End date (calculated with lead time or by incremental planning) At this point, the Scheduler takes full control of the job.
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