About the Demand Detail Chart/APS Plan Detail Chart

The plan generated for any given demand may consist of multiple levels of subcomponent demand. This graphical "tree" hierarchy allows you to view each level of how the system uses supplies, on-hand inventory, and resource capacity to satisfy the demand.

You can expand a demand to show all "nodes" in the tree display that shows how the demand is planned:

  • Expand each line item to show the corresponding operations (if the item is manufactured).
  • Expand each operation to show the required resource groups and any component items that are needed at the operation.
  • Expand component materials to the lowest levels of the bills of material.

Information Pane

After selecting a bar, the information pane, located in the lower portion of the form, displays the following types of information:

  • Item
  • Supply Usage
  • Operation
  • Resource Group
  • Resource
  • Resource Load Bar (in calendar pane)
  • Resource Downtime (in calendar pane)


At each level of the hierarchy, icons help you distinguish between operations, items, and resources.

Icon Description
manufactured item
manufactured, alternate material
purchased item
purchased, alternate material
phantom item
phantom, alternate material
resource (machine)
resource (labor)
resource group (machine)
resource group (labor)
use of supply/inventory

Bold and Color Typeface Indicators

An item, operation, or resource is considered to be on the critical path if its delay directly affects the completion time for the end-item demand. In the tree display, critical-path or late status is represented by bold and/or red typeface.

This typeface... Means the node is...
Bold on the critical path.
Red late
Bold red on the critical path AND late

Menu/Toolbar Analysis Options

These options are available by right-clicking inside the chart or by selecting the icon in the toolbar.

Option Location Description
Find Toolbar and right-click Searches the entire indented bill of material for the text you enter and displays any nodes in the tree that contain that text.
Find Next/Find Previous Toolbar and right-click Displays the next/previous occurrence of the text you entered in the previous search (using the Find option).
Collapse/Expand Toolbar and right-click Selecting Collapse hides all nodes in the tree except the top-level demand. Selecting Expand displays all nodes in the tree.
Expand Supply Usage Toolbar and right-click If the selected node in a branch of the tree represents supply usage from an existing demand (such as from excess supply from the Order Minimum option), this option expands the tree to display the details of the demand that created the excess supply.
Expand All Supply Usages Right-click only Expands all supply usages in the tree that are on the critical path.
Go To Resource Group Load Profile, Go To Planning Detail Toolbar and right-click Opens the appropriate detail form displaying detailed information about the selected item.
Show Critical Path Only Toolbar and right-click Displays only the nodes in the tree that directly affect the completion time for the end-item demand. Any delay in these critical-path nodes will cause the demand to be late.
Show Delays Only Right-click only Displays only the nodes in the tree that were delayed.
Show Item Delays Only Toolbar and right-click Operations with no material delays, or parts that have no delayed operations, are hidden. This option, and the Show Group Delays Only option, are mutually exclusive. Selecting this mode will disable Show Group Delays Only (if previously selected).
Show Group Delays Only Toolbar and right-click Operations with no resource group delays, or parts that have no delayed operations, are hidden. This option, and the Show Group Delays Only option, are mutually exclusive. Selecting this mode will disable Show Item Delays Only (if previously selected).
Exclude Infinite Group Delays Toolbar and right-click Select to hide infinite resource delays. If only item delays are displayed, this mode is disabled.
Show Push Critical Path Toolbar and right-click Switches the critical path data from the default pull critical path to the push critical path. Note that the data values displayed in the form do not change when using this option. This option just changes the items which are displayed in Bold, to be the items that were on the push critical path. A push pass is only performed if the demand is late, so if you use this option for a non-late demand, nothing will be displayed in Bold. Viewing the push critical path can be useful in trying to determine why a demand is late.
Zoom In/Out Toolbar and right-click Zoom the chart in or out.
Load Resource Plans Toolbar and right-click Show the plans for the selected resource group between the start and end of this demand.
Edit Toolbar and right-click Go to the editing form for the selected object.

Usage-Source Labels

Supply and lead time usages within the bill of material have a secondary line containing an arrow (usage-source arrow) with a note to identify the usage:

Usage Label Description
Use Inventory Current finished goods inventory.
Use Supply Existing purchase order.
Use New Supply Planned purchase order (one that hasn't been firmed yet). The number in parentheses is the total amount on the planned purchase order (the amount used may be less if you have an Order Minimum specified). New supplies are displayed as "PLN nnn," where nnn is a unique number assigned by APS. Quantities are  not shown in the label. Instead, this info is shown at the bottom of the form.
Site Recursion - Use New Supply In a global run of APS Planning, this material was required from this site at a higher level in this bill of material. The system does not globally plan this item at the site from which it is supplied. Instead, the system creates a planned order using standard lead time; you must firm the planned order into a transfer order.
Use Expedited Supply Supply expedited to meet the demand (expedited lead time was used). Expedited supplies are denoted by "(Expedited)" appended to the label.
Use Tolerance Supply Supply available within the Supply Usage Tolerance value defined on the Items form (it wasn't available by the needed date, but was able to be used). Tolerance supplies are denoted by "(Tolerance)" appended to the label.
Unconstrained Supply Supply of an item that has the Infinite field selected (therefore it is not constrained by lead time).
Use Remote Part Transfer supply order from the remote site indicated in parentheses.
Use Expedited Lead Time Manufactured item with the MRP Item field selected, used within expedited lead time.
Use Lead Time Manufactured item with the MRP Item field selected, used within normal lead time.
No Route Manufactured item with no routing (used within lead time).

Actions Menu

Go to Resource Group Load Profile: Opens the Resource Group Load Profile - APS form.

Analyzing the Displayed Data

The chart display is organized as follows:

  • Green bars represent periods of utilization for the resource shown in the left column.
  • Red bars represent down time (for example, off-shift periods or shift-exceptions).
  • When you select a bar, the color changes to yellow. All other bars are displayed in blue-green.
  • Blank areas of a row represent idle time for the resource.
  • Offshift bars are shown crosshatched in grey.
  • Resource loads not specific to the demand being analyzed are displayed in grey.
  • Bars on the critical path use the same hue, but are a darker shade.
Note:  When the chart displays load for infinite resources, the load bars might display stacked on top of one another. As a result, some of them may not be visible.

Click on a resource utilization bar to view details about the operation the resource is performing and the demand it is working on during the time period. Click on a downtime bar to view details about the reason for and duration of the downtime.

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