About Specific APS Options

This chart displays the descriptions that you can specify on the Planning Parameters, and What If Planning Parameters forms, as well as any value restrictions associated with them.

Description Value
Debugging - Retain Planner bulk data loading files No value needed
Debugging - Retain Scheduler bulk data loading files No value needed
Debugging - Disable Planner bulk data loading No value needed
Debugging - Disable Scheduler bulk data loading No value needed
Debugging - Trace days supply details No value needed
Debugging - Trace mfg item safety stock details No value needed
Debugging - Trace mfg item swapping details No value needed
Debugging - Trace purchased item swapping details No value needed
Debugging - Create gateway processor trace No value needed
Deprecated - Use previous mfg item safety stock logic No value needed
Deprecated - Use previous two-phase mfg item safety stock logic No value needed
Deprecated - Perform additional pull passes with time fence disabled No value needed
Deprecated - Forecasts can perform additional pull passes No value needed
Deprecated - Do not force dates to be on the PCAL No value needed
Prevent transfer demands from using safety stock No value needed
Plan components at job start for released, scheduled jobs No value needed
Plan mfg item safety stock as due today No value needed
Generate output data for zero duration operations No value needed
Allow release dates to be in the past No value needed
Do not create move-out exceptions earlier than the safety stock date No value needed
Debugging - Trace specified demand ID String, APS Demand ID
Deprecated - Specify the mfg item safety stock multiplier Floating point, greater than or equal to 0
Deprecated - Specify the preservation level multiplier Floating point, between 0 and 999,999
Plan released jobs at the specified priority Integer, greater than or equal to 0
Plan firm jobs at the specified priority Integer, greater than or equal to 0
Override time fence for purchased items within the specified days Integer, greater than or equal to 0
Use tolerance supply events are not critical if within the specified tolerance days Integer, less than or equal to 0
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