Voiding Posted Drafts

After posting drafts, you can void them, using the Void Posted Draft Payments form.

After voiding the drafts, you may reprint them.

Note:  If the A/P payments are standard drafts, are compressed, or are multi-site, you cannot void them using this utility.

To void drafts using the Void Posted Draft Payments form:

  1. Enter data in the following fields:
    • Bank Code: Select the bank code of the drafts you want to void.
    • Starting and Ending Draft Number: Enter the draft number range of the drafts you want to void.
  2. Perform one of the following actions:
    • To view the results of running the utility without saving the results in the database, select Preview.
    • To save the results in the database, select Commit.
  3. Click Process.
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