Posting Remitted Drafts

To post remitted drafts and print a remittance statement:

  1. Open the A/P Posting Draft Remittance form.
  2. Enter the following information:
    • Starting and Ending Vendor Number: Select the first and last vendor numbers whose draft remittances you to post, or, to post draft remittances for all vendors, leave both fields blank.
    • Starting and Ending Draft Number: Select the first and last draft numbers you want to include.
    • Starting and Ending Due Date: Select the first and last due dates you want to include.
    • Bank Code: Select the bank code for the draft remittances you want to post.
    • Display Report Header: If you want to include report headers in the report, select this check box.

    The report header displays on the first page of the report, and lists the parameters by which you generated the report.

  3. To print and review the A/P Posting Draft Remittance Report, select Print and then click Process. To have the remittance advice statement processed for print, fax, or email on a vendor-by-vendor basis, also select the Use Profile check box.
  4. When you are ready to post the draft remittances, select Commit and then click Process.
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