Examples: A/P Quick Payment Application

Use these examples to understand the A/P Quick Payment Application.

Scenario #1

You enter a payment for $150, and then select three $50 vouchers in the grid to apply against that payment.

The grid shows:

Type Voucher Site PO Check Inv Date Due Date Amt to Pay Discount
Voucher 101 01 P000001   5/15 6/15 50.00 0.00
Voucher 150 01 P000007   6/15 7/15 50.00 0.00
Voucher 156 01 P0000010   6/22 7/22 50.00 0.00

Selecting Apply creates three distribution records, one for each voucher.

Scenario #2

You enter a payment for $100, and select no transactions in the grid. The payment date is 06/15/2002. You save the payment, and then select Apply to apply it. A payment distribution for an open amount of $100 is created. The grid shows:

Type Voucher Site PO Check Invoice Date Due Date Amt to Pay Discount
Open   01     6/15 6/15 100.00 0.00

Scenario #3

You enter a payment for $100, select a voucher with an amount less than $100 so that some of the payment amount is left to apply. You save the payment. You then select a voucher for $60 and select Apply. Two payment distributions are created, one with the type Voucher in the amount of $60, and the other with the type Open in the amount of $40. Both the voucher and the open payment are shown as selected in the grid.

Type Voucher Site PO Check Invoice Date Due Date Amt to Pay Discount
Open (dist)   01     6/15 6/15 40.00 0.00
Voucher 102 01 P000001   5/15 6/15 60.00 0.00

Scenario #4

You enter a payment for $0, and then select a voucher and an open payment.

Type Voucher Site PO Check Invoice Date Due Date Amt to Pay Discount
Open   01 P000001   6/15 6/15 50.00 0.00
Voucher 101 01 P000001   5/15 6/15 50.00 0.00
Voucher 156 01 P0000010   6/22 7/22 50.00 0.00

Selecting Apply automatically posts the open payment. The voucher number in A/P Posted Transactions now says 101. The A/P account in the original A/P Posted Transactions record for the open payment is 11600. The A/P account in the parameters is 20000. Journal entries created are:

Journal Seq Date/Acct Description Account Amount Ref/Currency Exchange Rate
29 6/15 20000 50.00 APPR 1
  Accounts Payable   50.00 USD 1.000
30 6/15 20000 50.00 APPR 1
  AP Deposit   50.00 USD 1.000

Scenario #5

You enter a payment for $75, and then select multiple vouchers and an open payment.

You select two vouchers: voucher 101 with a due date of 06/15/2002 for $50, and voucher 150 with a due date of 07/15/2002, for $75. You then select a $50 open payment with a due date of 06/15/2002. Selecting Apply applies the open payment of $50 to voucher 101 and posts it. A/P Posted Transactions will show the payment with a voucher number of 101. The new payment of $75 is applied to voucher 150, and a payment distribution is created. When the grid in A/P Quick Payment Application is refreshed, it will look like this:

Type Voucher Site PO Check Invoice Date Due Date Amt to Pay Discount
Voucher   01 P000007   6/15 7/15 75.00 0.00

No transaction line for voucher payment 101 displays in the grid, because voucher 101 becomes fully paid after you select Apply.

Scenario #6

Reapplication of an open payment.

You enter an open payment for reapplication with an amount of $1000. The grid shows a voucher selected for $1000. The system creates the payment distribution when you select Apply. The A/P account in the original A/P Posted Transaction record for the open payment is 11600 (Deposit account). When you apply the open payment, payment application occurs within the due date, so the system automatically enters a discount for $50 in the Discount column. When the payments post through payment posting, the posted journal entries are as follows:

Journal Seq Date/Acct Description Account Amount Ref/Currency Exchange Rate
55 1/18 11600 1,000.00 APPR 656
  AP Deposit   1,000.00 USD 1.000
56 1/18 12100 50.00 APPR 656
  Open A/P Account   50.00 USD 1.000
57 1/18 20000 1,000.00 APPR 656
  Accounts Payable   1,000.00 USD 1.000
58 1/18 50400 50.00 APPR 656
  Purchase Discount and Allowance   50.00 USD 1.000

Applying the open payment to the voucher within A/P Quick Payment Application would yield the journal entries shown below. Note that the system creates an Open payment distribution for the remaining $50 of the open payment that was not applied (due to the applied discount). This payment distribution is then posted normally through payment posting.

Journal Seq Date/Acct Description Account Amount Ref/Currency Exchange Rate
55 1/18 20000 1,000.00 APPR 656
  Accounts Payable   1,000.00 USD 1.000
56 1/18 50400 50.00 APPR 656
  Discount and Allowance   50.00 USD 1.000
57 1/18 11600 950.00 APPR 656
  AP Deposit   950.00 USD 1.000

Scenario #7

Reapplying an open payment to a voucher from another site.

You select a voucher from the OH site. The open payment was entered in the MI site, and is being applied in the MI site. When you select Apply, the entries look like the following:

MI Site

Journal Seq Date/Acct Description Account Amount Ref/Currency Exchange Rate
35 * 1/17 11600 100.00 APPR 23
  AP Deposit   100.00 USD 1.000
  * 1/17 49010 100.00 APPR 23
  A/P Inter-Site Asset   100.00 USD 1.000

OH Site

Journal Seq Date/Acct Description Account Amount Ref/Currency Exchange Rate
47 1/17 20000 100.00 APPR 23
  Accounts Payable   100.00 USD 1.000
  1/17 49030 100.00 APPR 23
  A/P Inter-Site Liability   100.00 APPR 1.000

Scenario #8

Reapplying an open payment to a voucher with a different exchange rate.

You apply an open payment for $310 Canadian Dollars (CND, at an exchange rate of 1.55) to a voucher with an exchange rate of 1.60. The following entries display in the journal when you select Apply:

Journal Seq Date/Acct Description Account Amount Ref/Currency Exchange Rate
66 * 1/14 11600 200.00 APPR 5651
  Currency Loss   10.90 USD 1.550
67 * 1/14 50600 7.03 APX  
  Currency Loss   10.90 CND 1.550
68 * 1/14 20000 7.03 APX  
  Accounts Payable   10.90 CND 1.550
69 1/14 20000 200.00 APPR 5651
  Accounts Payable   310.00 CND 1.550

Scenario #9

You enter a payment for $75 with a non-A/P distribution of $5. You open the A/P Quick Payment Application form, and select the Open and Voucher records. The transactions now display as follows:

Type Voucher Site PO Check Invoice Date Due Date Amt to Pay Discount
Non-AP   01     5/15   5.00 0.00
Open   01   1 5/15   20.00 0.00
Voucher 100 01     5/15 6/15 90.00 0.00

You first apply the $20 open payment to the voucher. The system then creates distributions for $5.00 for Non-A/P cash, and a $70.00 voucher. The Non-A/P cash should already exist in the distributions, so the system will delete and recreate it.

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