Accounts Payable Steps

Accounts Payable (A/P) is the process you use to pay vendors for services and goods contracted for and delivered. Accounts Payable is closely linked to the purchasing function, where you create and receive purchase orders, purchase requisitions, blanket purchase orders, and line releases.

The following events are the basic steps for Accounts Payable. See the linked help topics for more information.

  1. Entering a Vendor Record
  2. Creating A/P Vouchers or Adjustments
  3. Distributing A/P Vouchers and Adjustments
  4. Creating Recurring Vouchers
  5. Generating Recurring Vouchers
  6. Distributing Recurring Vouchers
  7. Authorizing Vouchers
  8. Printing and Posting Vouchers
  9. Distributing Vendor Payments Manually
  10. Generating Automatic Payments
  11. Using Quick Payment Application
  12. Printing and Posting Checks
  13. Creating Manual Checks
  14. Using Vendor Payment Hold
  15. Logging Vendor Communications
  16. Posting to the A/P Ledger Distribution Journal
  17. Deleting A/P Posted Payments
  18. Voiding Posted Checks
  19. Activating/Deactivating Posted Transactions
  20. Accounts Payable Year End Procedure
  21. Purging Voucher History
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