Match Options

Use the Match Options dialog box to set advanced filtering criteria for the Check for Duplicates wizard. Options set here apply each time you check for duplicate data.

Option Definition
Duplicate Type a number to define the range of results that SpeedSearch marks as a duplicate. For example, if the range is between 50 and 100, any records that match 50% of their values will be returned as a duplicate.
Possible Duplicate Type a number to define the range of results that SpeedSearch marks as a possible duplicate.
Not Duplicate Displays the range of results that SpeedSearch marks as not a duplicate. This range is determined by the Duplicate and Possible Duplicate values.
Use Stemming Select this option to allow other grammatical forms of a word to be considered a duplicate.
Use Phonic Select this option to allow words that sound similar to be considered a duplicate.
Use Synonym Select this option to allows synonyms of a word to be considered a duplicate.
Use Fuzzy Select this option to allow words that are spelled differently to be considered a duplicate. After selecting this option, set the Fuzziness Level to determine how many character differences a word can have and still be considered a duplicate.
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