Releasing a Private Template

To release a private template execute these steps:

Note: If releasing a Private Template to another user, it is recommended that you copy the template first, then release the copied template to the other user. That way, the Private template is retained in the list.
  1. On the Write menu, select Templates.
  2. In the Private Templates list, click to expand the Letter, Fax, or Email folder.
  3. Right-click the template that you want to release to another user, and from the shortcut menu, point to Properties.
  4. In the Properties for window, in the Owner field, click the Lookup to select Infor CRM user from the list. Double-click the user's name.
  5. Click OK. The template now appears in the Private Templates folder for the user selected in Step 3 and is removed from the current user's Private Templates list.
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