Previewing SpeedSearch Results

After you perform a search and select an item, use the Preview to view detailed information from the item.

To quickly find relevant information:

  1. Perform a SpeedSearch and click Search.
  2. If necessary, use (First Page), (Previous Page), (Next Page) and (Last Page) to view the returned records and find the record you want to preview.
  3. Click Preview (red link below record).
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Locate first hit to go to the first instance of a keyword.
    • Click Previous and Next on either side of a keyword to go to the previous or next instance of the keyword.
    • Use the inner scroll bar to scan the record or file.
    Note: If the Preview area displays an "Access is Denied" message, you do not have security access to the result. See your system administrator to obtain access.

    To mark a result as used:

    If you find an item helpful, but are not inserting the results, select the item and click (Mark this item as useful). This helps the system keep track of the items that are frequently used.

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