Lead Details Tab

The details tab appears in the Lead Detail view. This tab contains specific information about the lead. You can edit the information at any time by clicking in a box and typing new information, or selecting from a list of available items.

Note: The workspace may be different depending on the access rights or if the installation has been customized.
Field Description/Action
Last Call Date The date that the lead was last called.
Next Call Date The next date that the lead must be called.
Status The status of the lead within the organization.
Priority The lead's priority. Click the drop-down arrow ellipsis button and select an item from the list
Credit Rating The lead's credit rating. Click the

drop-down arrow

ellipsis button

and select an item from the list.
LeadID Displays the lead's ID number that is automatically generated by Infor CRM. You cannot change this number.
Import Source Displays a value if the lead information was imported from another source.
Assigned Date The date that the lead was assigned to the owner.
Owner Person or team within your organization that has access to the lead. Click (Find) to find the person or team within your organization that has access to the lead.
Acct. Mgr Person or team within the organization that manages the relationship. Click (Find) to find the person or team within the organization to manage the lead relationship.
Employees Number of people employed by the lead. Click the

drop-down arrow

ellipsis button

and select an item from the list.
Yearly Revenue Total yearly sales in thousands of dollars for the lead. Click the

drop-down arrow

ellipsis button

and select an item from the list
Create User, Create Date The name of the user who created the lead and the date of creation.
Modify User, Modify Date The name of the user who modified this lead and the modification date.
Time Zone The time zone where the lead is located. Click the drop-down arrow and select from the list.Click Show Local to display the local time for the lead.
Show Local Time The current time where the lead is located. The time displays based on the value selected in the Time Zone field.

To edit the Details Tab, select the Details tab, of the Lead Detail view to be changed and click (Save) after you are done.

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