Tickets Tab

The Tickets tab on the Contact and Account Detail views lists all the tickets reported by the contact or account. You can use the Tickets tab to open the detail view of a selected ticket, or to add a new ticket.

The information displayed on the Tickets tab is the Ticket ID number, Received Date, Status, Urgency, Needed Date, Description and Resolution.

Note: Your security access determines what functions are available. Contact your administrator for any access rights changes. The full functionality may not be accessible for the WebViewer users.

On this page you can:

  • Open the ticket tab, by executing these steps:
    1. On the Contact or Account detail view.
    2. Click the Tickets tab. If the tab is not visible, click More Tabs.
  • Click the Ticket ID number, to open the detail view of a ticket.
  • Add a ticket:
    1. Click (Create Ticket).
    2. Follow the steps for adding a ticket.
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