The Cell Reference dialog

In the Cell Reference dialog, you can define a data area in the context of creating and editing cube rules or accelerators.

To open the Cell Reference dialog, click Internal Reference in the Edit Cube Rule dialog.

The Cell Reference dialog has these options:

  • Select All Elements: To select the complete dimension.
  • Select One Element: To select an element in the Dimension Browser.
  • Select Several Elements: To select several elements in the Dimension Browser. This button is disabled for the Target area of an accelerator and for the Rule area of a rule.
  • Select Subset: To select a subset of the dimension. This button is disabled for the Target area of an accelerator and for the Rule area of a rule.

You can also enter element or subset names directly into the boxes. Enclose element names in single quotes [‘2006’], subset names in double braces [Products:{{TotalServers}}] and several elements of a dimension in braces [Regions:{France, Germany}]. In the Preview pane your entries are complemented automatically by the corresponding dimension name.

You can also use this dialog to define a rule for an external cube.

SeeWriting rules to external cubes.

In this case first select the target cube. If the main cube and the target cube share common dimensions, you will find the corresponding dimension names inserted in the boxes when you select the external cube. For those dimensions of the target cube which are not contained in the main cube, Select All Elements is disabled.