Examples of cube rules

These simple examples of cube rules are written as they would appear mathematically. When writing these rules as cube rules, the left-hand portion of the equation would be considered the target and the right-hand portion the source. That is, you would write the left-hand portion of the equation in the Target pane of the Edit Cube Rule dialog and the right-hand portion of the equation in the Rule pane.

See The Edit Cube Rule dialog.

Simple arithmetical rules:


In the latter two rules, OLAP Server will automatically use ['Sales','Brazil'],['Returns','Brazil'] and ['Units','Brazil'] although only ['Sales'],['Units'] and ['Returns'] were specified.

['Sales','Brazil']=['Sales','South America']*['Sales

Rules using text:


Rules using rules functions

['Price','Bolivia']=MAX(['List Price'],['Extended

Rules using IF statements:


Rules referring to external cubes:

['Local Currency']= :['Head Office