
The Properties pane displays the properties of an object which is selected in the Database Structure.

To open the Properties pane, press F4 in an Ad-hoc report, or click Properties on the toolbar of the Database Structure pane.

You can sort the properties alphabetically or by category.


Property Description
Command time-out If supported by the data provider, the number of seconds the database server waits to execute a command.
User-defined Properties User-defined values, specific to the database alias, which have been specified on the Advanced tab of the New/Edit Database Alias dialog.

These are not the same as the user/profile-specific user-defined properties specified on the Authentication tab of that dialog.

Connection string Displays the database connection string.
Connection time-out If supported by the data provider, the number of seconds the client waits to be connected to the database server.
Authentication system Select the authentication system to log on to the database. The authentication system depends on the database driver.
  • Existing Connection. The same as the authentication used to connect to the Repository.
  • Basic. A specified user name and password is used for the authentication.
  • Windows. The log-on data of the Windows account are used. The properties User name and Password are disabled.
  • Kerberos. The log-on data of the Windows account are used. The Kerberos protocol authenticates the user. The properties User name and Password are disabled .
  • HTTP. A specified user name and password is used for authentication. The authentication is executed through the HTTP protocol.
Required Status of the Event Agent (Any) The connection is established, regardless of the status of the Event Agent. This field is enabled only in Application Studio.
User Name Displays the name of the connected user (only for connections via HTTP).
Password Here you change the password.
Database Name Displays the name of the database.
Name Displays the database Alias. You may edit this name.
Server Name Shows the server name.