Item Master (ITM) - Purchase Price

  1. Specify this information:
    The current purchase price for the item.
    Currency Code
    The currency code of the purchase price. This must already have been set up using Currency Codes (CNC).
    Future Price
    The price to be applied at a future date, as specified in the Future Price Effective Date field. The same currency as for the purchase price is assumed.
    Future Price Effective Date
    The date when the future price becomes effective.
    Purchase Price Updateable
    Update the purchase price.
    Update Purchase Price Stage
    The stage when the item's purchase price is automatically updated. This can be used to ensure the last known purchase price is proposed for new orders. If prices are derived from price or value books, or manually entered, this field should be set to Never. Options are:
    • Never
    • Order Entry
    • Invoicing
    • Order Entry and Invoicing
  2. Save your changes.