Updating the inventory for purchase return notes

The system can be set up to determine when the inventory is updated and what is affected by the update. This information is defined in the Purchase Type.

Purchase Returns are designed to have the following stages:

  • Order Entry - mandatory
  • Order Confirmation - mandatory inventory update
  • Invoice Entry - optional
  • Invoice Matching - optional
  • Invoice Confirmation - optional.

It is envisaged that the inventory update should occur at the order confirmation stage. The Order Entry stage allows the line to be entered or generated, amended, released and any ledger postings to occur. The order confirmation stage allows inventory to be allocated before issuing, and any ledger posting to occur. Inventory updated at any other stage causes unexpected behaviour.

If the returned inventory is to be exchanged, then a separate purchase or movement order is required to receive these items back into inventory. Purchase returns do not allow items to be received. Receipt Note stages are not allowed on the PRN Purchase Type, and goods lines only allow the quantity value label to be negative. That is, the opposite to a purchase order. Also, there are no picking or dispatching stages for PRN's.

When entering return lines, inventory checks are performed to ensure there is enough inventory in the return location identified to issue. If there is not enough inventory in the location, the system displays error messages and does not allow you to continue.

Uwaga:  Within Operator Miscellaneous Permissions, if the Override Physical Quantity and Override Free Quantity flags are set, you are allowed to continue.
Uwaga:  Within Manual Allocations, inventory within different locations can be allocated and inventory issued, but the PRN line return location is not amended.

If the inventory to be returned is allocated to other orders, it must first be de-allocated. To do this, enter the order where the stock is allocated and de-allocate the inventory.

The inventory does not have to be updated by raising a return note. On the Purchase Return Note form the field Update Inventory enables you to control whether or not this is done. That is, check the check box if the inventory is to be updated or leave it blank if the inventory is not to be updated.

Uwaga:  Once the Update Inventory field has been checked and the inventory updated, the field cannot be unchecked.
Uwaga:  Inventory updates cannot be performed within any of the invoice stages because there is no ability to perform allocations within the invoice functions.