Infor BOD Listing


  • Infor Noun

    The name of the BOD.

  • Incoming or Outgoing

    Signifies whether the BOD is received or sent, respectively.

  • Verb

    The action of the BOD.

  • SunSystems Object

    The data type within SunSystems.

Infor Standard BODs

Infor Noun Outgoing Verbs Incoming Verbs SunSystems Object
AccountingChart Sync   Analysis Structure for a Ledger
AccountingEntity Sync   Business Unit
AccountingJournal Sync   Journal Type
ChartOfAccounts Sync Sync, Process Account Record
CodeDefinition Sync Process Analysis Dimensions and Codes
ContactMaster Sync   Contact
Currency Sync   Currency Code
CurrencyExchangeRateMaster Sync   Currency Exchange Rates - Daily & Period
CustomerPartyMaster Sync   Customer
ExpenseReport   Sync Turns into a Journal
ItemMaster Sync   Item
PayableTransaction Sync   Source data from Journal
Personnel Sync   Supplier
PurchaseOrder Sync   Purchase Order
ReceivableTransaction Sync   Source data from Journal
RemittanceAdvice Sync   Journal (Paid Expenses)
SalesOrder Sync   Sales Order
SourceSystemGLMovement Sync   Ledger Balances (LBC)
SourceSystemJournalEntry Sync Process, Sync Journal
SupplierPartyMaster Sync   Supplier
Workflow Process Acknowledge Workflow request

SunSystems Custom BODs

Infor Noun Outgoing Verbs Inbound Verbs SunSystems Object
SunSystemsAccounts Sync   Analysis Structure for a Ledger
SunSystemsAddress Sync   Address
SunSystemsAnalysisCodes Sync   Analysis Codes
SunSystemsAnalysisDimensions Sync   Analysis Dimensions
SunSystemsConversionCodes Sync   Conversion Codes
SunSystemsCustomer Sync   Customer
SunSystemsDailyConversionRate Sync   Daily Conversion Rate
SunSystemsDaybookSetup Sync   Daybook Setup
SunSystemsItem Sync   Item
SunSystemsItemCustomer Sync   Item Customer
SunSystemsJournalEntry Sync Sync, Process Journal
SunSystemsJournalPresets Sync   Journal Presets
SunSystemsJournalTypes Sync   Journal Types
SunSystemsLedgerRevaluationProfiles Sync   Ledger Revaluation Profiles
SunSystemsLedgerSetup Sync   Ledger Setup
SunSystemsPaymentProfiles Sync   Payment Profiles
SunSystemsPeriod Sync   Period
SunSystemsPeriodConversionRate Sync   Period Conversion Rate
SunSystemsPurchaseBusinessSetup Sync   Purchase Business Setup
SunSystemsPurchaseOrderPresets Sync   Purchase Order Presets
SunSystemsPurchaseTypes Sync   Purchase Types
SunSystemsSalesOrderPresets Sync   Sales Order Presets
SunSystemsSalesTypes Sync   Sales Types
SunSystemsSupplier Sync   Supplier
SunSystemsValueLabelSetup Sync   Value Label Setup