Managing Oracle credentials

When installing SunSystems, at least two schemas are required: one for the domain and one or more for each business unit group created. Each of these schemas is owned by a specific Oracle user account which is defined during installation, the credentials for which are stored in the domain database in encrypted form. During the connection process these credentials are retrieved by applications and decrypted locally, thereby allowing access to the schema with full access rights under the control of the application.

Users may need to periodically change the password used by the schema, and SunSystems Security provides an interface to allow the administrator to amend the credentials used for each of these schema accounts. This ensures that when the credentials change, those stored in the Security Store correspond to those defined against the Oracle Database.

Uwaga: The Security Store is the database schema containing all the objects managed by the Security Service. The Security Service can connect to this schema directly using windows authentication as the necessary credentials will have been configured during installation.
  1. From the Settings menu, select SunSystems > Manage Oracle Credentials. The Manage Oracle Credentials dialog displays the name of the schema account.
  2. Double-click on a schema account to display the Change Password dialog.
  3. Enter a password for the schema in the New Password field, and enter it again in the Confirm New Password field.
  4. Click OK to save the change.
    An error message is displayed if you enter:
    • Different passwords in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields.
    • Nothing in either field.
  5. Clicking Cancel displays the message All changes will be lost, continue?. Click Yes to close the message and enter a different password, or No to close the message and save the password you have entered.