Performing an Account Inquiry

Account Inquiry (ACQ) allows you to display selected, current transactions posted to a particular account. This inquiry uses a predefined control desk and filter. The account transactions are displayed on the Financials - Account Inquiry window

You can print selected transactions on the Ledger Inquiry by Account report. See 'Printing the Results of a Ledger Inquiry'.

Note: This inquiry displays current live transactions only. If you wish to view archived and current transactions you should use the Ledger Inquiry - Archive option available.
  1. Select the Account Inquiry (ACQ) option from SunSystems to display the Account Inquiry selection form.
  2. Enter the selection details, explained below. A transaction must meet all of the selection criteria to be displayed.
  3. Click OK to extract the account details.
  4. The account transactions appear on the Financials - Account Inquiry window.
  5. Double click on any of the following fields to drill down to the related details: Account Code, Journal Number, Analysis Codes, Saved Set Reference.