Using a Selection Dialog Box

Note:  A selection dialog box is displayed when a Select button is clicked. The Select button is found on multiple windows and dialog boxes.

Select one item, using the single arrow button, or use the double arrow to select all items.


Remove one item, using the single arrow button, or use the double arrow to remove all items.  

  1. Make your selection from the items in the left pane by double-clicking an item or select the item and click the single right arrow button. The left pane shows all items. Selected items will move to the pane on the right
  2. If you want to select all the items, click the double right arrow.
  3. To remove an item, select it and click the single left arrow. Alternatively, double-click an item in the right pane.
  4. If you want to remove all items, click the double left arrow.
  5. After you finished making your selection, click OK.
    The selection dialog box will close.