Splitting a Batch

A batch for which the status quantity locked is set to Yes cannot be split at all.
  1. Select one process or tank batch in the planning board.
  2. Open the Split batch dialog box by selecting Schedule > Split.
    The Split batch dialog box is displayed. The batch code is in the title bar for your reference.
  3. Perform one of these operations:
    Option Description
    first quantity To split the batch in two parts by specifying quantities, select the first quantity option and specify a quantity for the first split batch. The quantity of the second batch is adjusted accordingly.
    second quantity To split the batch in two or more parts, select the second quantity option and specify a number, a quantity, and a percentage duration for each split batch.
    end outflow To split the batch in two parts by end outflow, select the end outflow option and specify an end time or duration.
    split on flow To split a batch on its inflow, outflow, or both, select the split on flow option, then select inflow, outflow, or both.

    You can split flow on tank batches or process batches:

    • If you select inflow, after splitting, each batch has only one inflow.
    • If you select outflow, after splitting, each batch has only one outflow.
    • If you select inflow and outflow, after splitting, each batch has only one inflow and one outflow.
    resource maximum To split the batch in two parts by resource maximum, select the resource maximum option. Anything in excess of the maximum weight or volume of the resource is allocated to the second batch.

    The resource maximum function is specifically designed for buffer tanks. Because you can fill and empty them at the same time, it is difficult for the system to ensure that the level does not exceed maximum tank level while you are playing with its inflow and outflow batches. This option allows you to try several scenarios and then apply one to ensure that the maximum level is observed.

    maximum duration To split the batch in two parts by maximum duration, select the maximum duration option.
    Note: Splitting has no effect on the rest of your production chain. The split batches schedule batches, and the start time of the first batch and the end time of the second batch are made the same as the start and end time of the original batch, whichever options you choose here.
  4. Click the OK button to implement your changes and close the dialog box.
    • If the OK button is dimmed and you cannot click it, then something is set incorrectly. Making one of the split batches too small is usually the problem.
    • After splitting, if you are warned that the second batch violates resource constraints, you must solve the problem to come up with a satisfactory schedule.
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