Creating Solver Settings - Synchronization Tab

  1. Open the Solver dialog box by selecting Schedule > Solver.
    Note:  If you have not selected batches before opening the Solver dialog box, you can still edit the settings. In this case, you only see a Close button instead of the Apply, Cancel and OK buttons.
  2. To save a new configuration, click Save to the right of the Settings field and enter a configuration name in the dialog box.
    • Select <new> to display the default settings.
    • To enable the CIP solver, select CIP in the type list. When you select this option; the CIP tab is displayed, where you can specify the CIP solver settings.
  3. Select Batch Synchronization from the Type drop-down list box.
  4.  Click the Synchronization tab.
  5. To select resource groups, click the Select button.
    This opens the Resource Group Selection dialog box.
  6. After selecting the resource groups in the selection dialog box, click the OK button.
    The selection dialog box closes.
  7. To select process steps custom fields, click the Select button next to the criteria list.
    The Criteria Selection dialog box opens.
  8. After selecting the custom fields in the selection dialog box, click the OK button.
    The selection dialog box closes.
  9. Click the OK button to save your changes and close the window. Alternatively, continue populating tabs on this window.
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