Creating Solver Settings - CIP Tab
This tab is displayed if you have selected the CIP option in the type list at the top of the Solver window.
Open the
Solver dialog box by selecting
Schedule > Solver.
Note: If you have not selected batches before opening the Solver dialog box, you can still edit the settings. In this case, you only see a Close button instead of the Apply, Cancel, and OK buttons.
To save a new configuration, click
Save to the right of the
Settings field and enter a
configuration name in the dialog box.
- Select <new> to show the default settings.
- To enable the CIP solver, select CIP rule in the type list. When you select this option; the CIP tab is displayed, where you can specify the CIP solver settings.
- Click the CIP tab.
To enable the CIP solver, select
enable clean-in-place.
When this check box is cleared, CIP batches are considered as normal batches.
Note: If you select this option, the other options on this tab and the CIP objective section on the Objectives tab are enabled.
If you have enabled the CIP solver, you can specify these options:
- If you want the CIP rule's minimum constraint to be enforced for the selected batches in the work area, select enable min limit. If no minimum value is specified for the CIP rule, this option is ineffective.
- If you have selected enable min limit and want to extend this option for the non-selected batches in the work area, clear the enable min limit for not selected CIP check box. If non-selected batches in the work area are in conflict with the CIP rule's minimum constraint, this option can be used to ignore these conflicts.
- If you want the CIP rule's changeover limit to be ignored, clear the large changeover replaces CIP check box. If this check box is cleared, a CIP batch replaces any large changeover that, according to the CIP rule, should replace a CIP batch. If no changeover limit is specified for the CIP rule, this option is ineffective.
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