Creating Inflow

  1. Access the Create inflow function using one of the following ways:
    • Select batches in Process batch overview window or the planning board and select Batches > Create inflow.
    • Select orders in the Orders overview window and select Batches > Create inflow.
    • Select orders from the Order overview window and use the Create inflow option on the overview window.
    • If the batch selected already has an inflow, you can delete the inflow by selecting Batches > Delete inflow.
    • The only distinction between the window accessed from order selection and process batch selection is in the window title.
  2. Select the criteria for creating inflow in the Create group box.
    If you select the create batches and add to existing batches options simultaneously, the existing batches are increased to the maximum batch size of the process steps that are involved. A new batch is created.
  3. Select these options to add inflow to existing batches:

    existing network only, use surplus only, in work area only, from later scheduled batches, from any alternative, from any cycle, allow flow constraint violation, and link to tank.

    The existing network only option allows to add flow to the existing batches that are connected to the selected batches or orders.

    The from later scheduled batches option can be set to indicate that you can use surplus from process or tank batches (that become available later) than required by the requesting process batch. Surplus can only be used by a batch when it is available at the moment when required. For example, the total quantity required may not be available when inflow starts.

    If you select allow flow constraint violation, the new inflow can violate these constraints:

    • Each inflow product from at least one tank batch.
    • Inflow from at least one process batch.
    • Orders for this end item have inflow from one process batch only.

    If you select from any cycle, the new inflow can be added to any of the available existing batch. Else, the new inflow is only added to the existing batches that are in the same cycle as the batch from which you are creating inflow.

  4. Specify the number of stages for which the inflow is being created or specify a stage at which the inflow is being created.
  5. Select one of the following:
    Option Description
    Schedule batches using stage settings  
    Use put on Allows batch overlap in addition to one of the following options:
    • Latest end: In case of end stage batches, this is the due date of the orders. In case of coupled batches, this is the latest time a batch can end while meeting the inflow requirements of dependent batches.
    • Start of work area and end of work area: Create production at the beginning and at the end of your work area.
    • Other: Allows you to specify a date and time within the work area when the batch must be created.
    Use schedule process batches Prevents batch overlap. See the Schedule Process Batches window for more information.
    Note:  You can use the Settings option to modify the Scheduling options in the Schedule Process Batches window.
  6. Select the show resource group check box to filter the list of products returned.
  7. Select an alternative process step and/or resource group if required with the following conditions:
    • You can only select alternatives up to one level down.
    • You can select an alternative for each main product. This means that an inflow product is assigned the same alternative for each process step in which the product is specified.
    Note:  The alternative process steps of the products are displayed in the Product group box, if exists.

    To review the relevant information about the process steps, descriptions, resource groups, and resources, you can resize the Create Inflow window. The next time access this window, the size of the window is restored to the size that you have defined.

    You can sort the list of process steps and resource groups by columns. To sort the list, select a column header.

    Note: The process of creating inflow for orders is slightly different. You can also specify alternatives using the order window or an interface. The alternatives specified here have the highest priority, followed by the preference expressed in the order itself. Else the default is used.
  8. Click OK and verify the results in the planning board.
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