Creating an Order - General Tab

Orders can also be created automatically using interfaces.

Creating an Order Manually

  1. Select Batches > Orders > New.
    Alternatively, from the Orders overview window, click New.
    The Order Entry window is displayed. A unique code is automatically assigned to the new order. The General tab is selected by default.
  2. Enter the required end item code. If you know its first character, enter it, press Tab, and a list of all relevant end items will appear. Double-click an end item to select it.
  3. You can specify an alternative step (if available). If you specify DEFAULT, the default will continue to be selected even if the default of the current step changes. Any change you make here takes effect when you create inflow for the order.
  4. Enter a quantity.
  5. Enter a due time and an earliest start to indicate the time limits on the order. Use the time bar () to shift back a week, shift back one day, move to today, move forward one day, and move forward one week.
  6. If appropriate, select a status from the status drop-down list box.
  7. Enter any remarks relevant to the order.
  8. The next set of fields provide information on end product batches already scheduled (scheduled quantity) or produced (registered quantity) for this order, where quantity = scheduled quantity + registered quantity. The scheduled time is the time at which the last end product batch will be ready or, to be more precise, the end of that part of the outflow from the last batch that flows to that order. Start is the beginning of inflow into the first end product batch.
  9. Enter a value for extra shelf life. Its upper limit is the maximum extra shelf life specified for the relevant end item. The best before date on the order is calculated based on the shelf life data and the start time of the first batch related to it.
  10. Click the OK button to save your changes and create another order. Alternatively, continue populating tabs on this window.
    Note:  In order to help speed up manual order entry, another blank entry window is displayed. Click Cancel if you do not want to enter another order. However, if you have just edited an existing order, the entry window closes and the Orders overview window reappears.
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