Creating an Interface - Options Tab
- Select Integration > Interfaces. The Interfaces overview window is displayed.
- Click New. The New Interface window is displayed.
- Specify a unique code for the new interface.
- Select an entity from the entity list box. The entity indicates the data that is exchanged when the interface is run.
Select the interface mode. Possible options:
- Read
- Write
- Delete
Select the type of toolkit to be used. Possible options:
- Click OK. The Interface Entry window is displayed.
Click the
Options tab.
- The interface mode 'Read' updates Infor Production Scheduling and the mode 'Write' updates the ASCII file or the ODBC database.
- The Delete options is available based on the Entity selected. The Delete check box is displayed only if the interface mode is set to Read.
- To select the orders that must be deleted, you can use a combination of two searches. To prevent complex search definitions, the interface prepares a set of records based on the 'delete mentioned order if in search' value and does not consider the records that are selected for the 'keep order if in search' option.
- If you select the Bulk option in the Format tab, the Create option is enabled and the Update option is disabled. You cannot change this configuration. You must ensure that the target table does not contain records. It is recommended that you must clear the target table before exporting the data. This process step is executed by default when the Web Viewer integration template is used.
- This table describes the possible actions you can specify in the different interface types and modes:
Interface mode ASCII ODBC Read - Add records that do not exist in Infor Production Scheduling.
- Update existing records in Infor Production Scheduling.
- Update the decoupled inflow products. This option is visible only if you select the entity 'process step - inflow products'.
- Delete or retain records if they are in the selected search.
- Manual conformation: allows you to confirm all changes manually or override the proposed change (for process batches only).
It is the same as the ASCII interface. Write - Select search: limit export selection.
- The export file is over-written.
- Select search: limit export selection.
- Add records that do not exist in the ODBC database.
- Update the existing records in the ODBC database. The Update option is not displayed if Bulk is selected in the Format tab.
Delete - Delete or retain records if they are in the selected search.
It is the same as the ASCII interface. - Click OK to save the changes. Alternatively, continue populating tabs on this window.
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