Creating an Interface - General Tab

  1. Select Integration > Interfaces.
    The Interfaces overview window is displayed.
  2. Click New.
    A dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter a unique code for the new interface.
  4. Select an entity from the entity drop-down list box.
    This specifies the data that is exchanged when the interface is run.
  5. Choose the interface mode.
  6. Choose the type of toolkit to be used.
  7. Click the OK button.
    The Interface Entry window opens. The General tab is selected by default.
    Note:  The tabs vary in the Interface Entry window depending on your selections in the Interface code dialog box. For example, If you select the entity Infor ERP Adage-Delivery with a type of ASCII, you only see the Setup tab.
    Note:  At the top of this window, the code, toolkit used and the read/write mode you have chosen for this interface are shown.
  8. Enter a description of the interface in the entry window.
  9. Clear the active check box if you do not want to activate this interface now.
  10. Clear the with messages check box if you do not want the messages, warnings and errors reported in the Messages window when the interface has finished.
    Note:  To optimize troubleshooting and integration performances, the interface run time is logged.
  11. Select the show in menu check box if you want this interface to show in the Interfaces menu.
  12. Enter a pre-command and/or post-command, if desired. To enter a command:
    1. Click Add.
      A command dialog box is displayed.
    2. Enter a command or browse to a file location.
    3. Click the OK button.
      The command dialog box closes.
    4. Double-click a parameter in the parameter column.
      A parameter dialog box is displayed.
    5. Enter a parameter or browse to a file location.
      Note:  The user can browse several times to add several directories or files in the parameter text box. The selected directory or file is inserted and does not replace the existing string.
    6. Click OK.
    You can use variables in all command and parameters fields.
  13. Click OK to save your changes and close the window. Alternatively, continue populating tabs on this window.
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