Creating an End Item - General Tab

The standard means of creating an end item is to create a process step in an end stage. This automatically generates an end item with the same code as the end product. Otherwise, follow the steps below.
  1. Open the overview window by selecting Products > End items.
  2. Click New to create a new record.
    A dialog box is displayed. Alternatively, click on an end item to select it. Then click the Duplicate button to make a new end item for an end product that has already been assigned one or more end items. The relationship to the end product is copied automatically.
  3. Enter a unique code for the end item.
  4. Click OK.
    The End Item Entry window is displayed. The General tab is selected by default.
  5. Enter a new description if you want to change the description. It is copied from the related end product.
  6. Enter a different product if necessary.
    Note:  There is normally no reason to change the end product to which this end item is related; if you choose to do so and you do not enter an existing product, you are prompted to create a new one. The description of the product you have chosen appears.
  7. Define the shelf life and maximum extra shelf life. If you use them both, choose the same unit.
  8. Select the orders for this end item may have inflow from one process batch only check box if appropriate.
  9. Click OK to save your changes and close the window. Alternatively, continue populating tabs on this window.
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