Creating a View - Settings Tab

  1. Select Factory > Views.
    The Views overview window is displayed.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a unique code for the view.
  4. Click OK.
    The View entry window is displayed.
  5. Click the Settings tab.
  6. Specify the font type and size.
  7. Using one of these alternatives, specify the color theme of the planning board.
    1. In the set field, select a predefined theme or, to use a customized theme, select Custom.
      You cannot customize predefined themes.
    2. If you have selected Custom in the set field, specify a customized theme in these fields:
      Field Description
      text color Font color
      line color Color of the grid lines
      background color Background color inside the panes
      light edge Background color of the axes
      button color Color of the buttons, for example, the buttons that you use when defining the zooming area
      dark edge Color of the lines that delimit the panes
    3. Double-click the values of these fields. In the Select Color dialog box, choose a color.
  8. In the batch fill type field, specify the filling pattern of the batches that are displayed on the planning board.
  9. In the selection transparency field, specify a transparency for the non-selected batches.
    If you set this value to zero, this option is disabled. Otherwise, when you select batches on the planning board, the transparency percentage is applied to the unselected batches.
  10. In the grid field, specify the time step, in minutes, with which batches can be moved in the planning board.
    For example, if you set this value to "15", you can drag a batch by multiples of 15 minutes.
  11. In the magnetic distance field, specify the minimum distance, in pixels, at which a batch that is being dragged must be kept from other batches on the planning board.
    If you set this value to zero, this option is disabled. Otherwise, when you drag a batch next to another one at a distance that is lower than the magnetic distance, the dragged batch automatically sticks to the other batch.
  12. Continue populating tabs on this window. Alternatively, click OK to save the view and close the window.
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