Creating a Sequence

  1. Open the overview window by selecting Factory > Sequences.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a unique code for the sequence.
  4. Click the OK button.
    The Sequence Entry window opens.
  5. Click Select.
    The Sequence Selection dialog box opens.
    Note: To add items to the sequence, select the items in the "available items" section and click the > button. Alternatively, to select all the items, click the >> button.
    Note: To remove items from the sequence, select the items in the "selected items" section and click the < button. Alternatively, to remove all the items from the sequence, click the << button.
  6. To reorder the sequence, drag and drop the items in the "selected items" section.
  7. Click OK to close the Sequence Selection dialog box.
    The Sequence Entry window shows the selected items. The +/- column displays the sort order of each item:
    Value Description
    + Ascending order
    - Descending order
    +- Ascending order, then, when the other item is changing, descending order
    -+ Descending order, then, when the other item is changing, ascending order

     The ascending sort order is automatically assigned to the new items in the sequence.

  8. To change an item's sort order, in the +/- column double-click the corresponding cell until you have defined the appropriate sort order.
  9. Click the OK button to save the sequence and close the entry window.
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