Creating a Resource - Utility Claim Tab

Note:  A utility cannot be claimed when creating a new resource until that resource has been added to a resource group.
  1. Open the Resources overview window by selecting Factory > Resources.
  2. Click New at the bottom of the Resources overview window.
    A dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter a unique code for the new resource.
  4. Click OK.
    The Resource Entry window is displayed.
  5. In the entry window, click the Utility claim tab.
  6. Click Select to select a utility from the selection dialog box. The claimed utilities and the resources as established on the General tab show in the first column in a tree view format.
  7. To view all resources associated with the claimed utilities, click the Expand All button.
  8. In the remaining columns (default, setup, inflow, offset, slack, outflow and changeover), enter the appropriate values to indicate how much of the utility to be claimed by double-clicking in a segment. The default column is automatically selected for all resources associated with the claimed utility (level 2) and the values entered default to all resources.
    Note:  The utility claim cannot exceed the maximum claim or be lower than the minimum claim. It can be zero (0.00) - which is used to indicate that the utility is not required during that batch segment.
  9. If you want to override a default value:
    1. Double-click the check mark in the default column for the corresponding resource.
    2. Then, double-click in the segment and enter the new value.
  10. Click OK to save your changes and close the window. Alternatively, continue populating tabs on this window.
    Note:  You cannot close the Resource group entry window if claim lists have items not claimed in at least one batch segment.
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