Creating a Resource - Resource Claim Tab

Note:  A resource cannot be claimed when creating a new resource until that resource has been added to a resource group.
  1. Open the Resources overview window by selecting Factory > Resources.
  2. Click New at the bottom of the Resources overview window.
    A dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter a unique code for the new resource.
  4. Click OK.
    The Resource Entry window is displayed.
  5.  In the entry window, click the Resource claim tab.
    Note:  The Resource claim tab is only enabled if the resource is added to one or more resource groups of category process or tank type.
    Note:  The claim is defined on the resource group but can be overridden on the resource.
    Note:  Specify separately, the claim for resources from enabling resource groups for each resource group in which the resource appears.
  6. Click Select to select an enabling resource group and corresponding resources. The first column is a tree view that shows the claimed enabling resource groups in level one. The children at the level below it represent the resources belonging to the current resource group.
  7. In the remaining columns, indicate the batch segments (default, setup, inflow, offset, slack, outflow and changeover) during which the enabling resource group should be claimed. The claims behind the enabling resource groups (tree level 1) represent the default claim for the resources in the current resource group. The claims behind the resources (tree level 2) represent the actual claim for the enabling resource group for that specific resource.
    Note:  Double-click in a segment cell to claim the segment (a check mark appears in that segment). Double-click it again to clear it.
    Note:  If a claim for an enabling resource group (tree level 1) is modified, then the claim for this segment will overwrite the existing segment claim of all lower level resources. Modifications of a claim at the resource level (tree level 2) only affects the segment claim for that particular resource.
    Note:  If an enabling resource group is not selected, the claim for the enabling resource group is cancelled. This means that the resource participation in the currently selected resource group no longer claims a resource from that enabling resource group during any of the batch segments.
  8. Click OK to save your changes and close the window. Alternatively, continue populating tabs on this window.
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