Creating a Process Step - General Tab

  1. Open the overview window by selecting Products > Process > Steps.
  2. Click New.
    A dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter a product code/name and description. Alternatively, to select an existing product and description, click Choose and double-click a product.
    Note:  You can enter an existing product or if you want to create a new product, enter a new product code.
  4. If you want to change the stage or product group, select an alternate from the corresponding list box.
    Note:  If you are making a process step in an end stage, an end item is automatically created for its main product (unless an end item already exists).
  5. Click OK.
    Note:  If you only want to create an extra process step for an existing product, you do not need to do anything else. A higher version number is assigned to the new step.
    The Process Step Entry window is displayed. The General tab is selected by default.
  6. Enter a description. This is obligatory and is usually the same as, or similar to, the name of the main product.
  7. Assign a version number. This enables you to distinguish between process steps with the same main product. You can define a default version at product level. You can allow end product step version choice to be read in with orders.
  8. Assign a sequence code. This enables you to determine batch sequence when scheduling and can be used in multi-level sequences.
  9. Specify a method.
  10. Define batch color. This applies to all batches in the planning board belonging to this step.
  11. If needed for integration, change the selection for the Infor ERP Adage field by using the corresponding list box.
  12. Specify the release duration for the main product.
  13. Specify the CIP factor.
    The CIP factor is defined for non-CIP steps. This value defines how much a batch contributes to the CIP on a resource. This value is used by the CIP solver to determine the contribution of batches to the CIP calculations. The standard contribution is multiplied by the CIP factor of the process batch's process step. By default, the CIP factor is set to "1", but can be smaller or larger than "1".
  14. Click OK to save your changes and close the window. Alternatively, continue populating tabs on this window.
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