Creating a Process Step - Transition Tab

  1. Open the overview window by selecting Products > Process > Steps.
  2. Click New.
    A dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter a product code/name and description. Alternatively, to select an existing product and description, click Choose and double-click a product.
    Note:  You can enter an existing product or if you want to create a new product, enter a new product code.
  4. If you want to change the stage or product group, select an alternate from the corresponding list box.
    Note:  If you are making a process step in an end stage, an end item is automatically created for its main product (unless an end item already exists).
  5. Click OK.
    Note:  If you only want to create an extra process step for an existing product, you do not need to do anything else. A higher version number is assigned to the new step.
    The Process Step Entry window is displayed.
  6. Click the Transition tab.
  7. Choose the relevant criteria for the transition matrices and transition rules that are assigned to the resources around which the process step is based.
    Option Description
    Setup matrices The transition matrices that define the resources' setup times.
    Setup rules The transition rules that define the resources' setup times.
    Changeover matrices The transition matrices that define the resources' changeover times.
    Changeover rules The transition rules that define the resources' changeover times.
  8. Click OK to save your changes and close the window. Alternatively, continue populating tabs on this window.
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