Creating a Transition Rule

  1. Open the Transition Rules overview window by selecting Factory > Transition Rules.
  2. Click New to create a new record.
  3. Enter a unique code for the transition rule.
  4. Specify the transition rule type.
  5. Click OK.
    The Transition Rule Entry dialog box is displayed.
  6. Enter a description in the entry window.
  7. From the entity list box, select one of the entities to which this rule can be applied:
    • process batches
    • process steps
    • orders
    • end items
    • tank batches
  8. Select a field from the field list box.
    The items displayed in the field list box are fields present in the entry dialog boxes for the entities and therefore change depending on what entity is selected.
  9. Enter values in the if field values are same and the if field values are different fields.
    The former is typically used to indicate a brief cleaning procedure and the latter to run a full-scale procedure.
  10. Click OK to save the rule and close the entry window.
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