Changing the Language or License

The default language of Infor Production Scheduling is English. You can choose to work with the software in another language. The other languages you can choose are French, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese.

The license you use when working with Infor Production Scheduling controls what you can do with the software. With one license you may be able to model, design, and schedule. With another license you may only be able to schedule.

When you launch the application the Password dialog box is displayed.

Note:  Once changed, the selected language is used as the default.
  1. Click OK in the Password dialog box, then immediately press and hold down the Shift key.
  2. Enter another license name and number in the name and key fields.
    Alternatively, select the language you want to use.
  3. Click OK.
    If what you typed is correct, the change is accepted and you are prompted to restart the software in order for the changes to take effect. If what you typed is incorrect, an error message to that effect displays and you are prompted to re-enter the information. If this problem persists, you should ask for assistance from your Infor representative or contact the Infor Support.
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