ASCII Interfaces
Infor Production Scheduling can read data from ASCII files and can convert that data for use in Infor Production Scheduling. To do this you have to use Infor Production Scheduling to create an interface definition for an entity. The entity has attributes and each attribute has a data type. Infor Production Scheduling uses the following six data types:
- String
- Boolean
- Integer
- Real
- Duration
- Date/Time
Listed below are the data types and related information about that data type. The functions are evaluated and if the result makes sense for the given data type, the resulting value is used. Otherwise, the <NULL> value for the data type is used.
The value that is expected as a result of the function is a string.
Command | Syntax | Examples |
The Substring command returns a part of a string. |
SUBSTRING(<input string>;starting position;length) <input string>: string Starting position: integer; determines the position the substring starts. Length: integer; determines how many subsequent characters should be in the substring. Length does not need to be given. If no length is given, all remaining characters starting from the starting position are returned. |
SUBSTRING("abcdefghijklmnopqrst";3;7)="cdefghi" SUBSTRING("abcdefghijklmnopqrst";8)="hijklmnopqrst" SUBSTRING(~;1;10)=first 10 characters of the string that is read in (~="abcdefghijklmnopqrst"=> result="abcdefghij") |
The Length command returns the length of a string. |
LENGTH(<input string>) <input string>: string |
LENGTH(abcdefghijklmnopqrst)=20 Can be used in combination with the previous command to cut off some characters at the end of a string: SUBSTRING(~;1;LENGTH(~)-3) It will return the entire string that has been read in except for the last three characters. ~=abcdefghijklmnopqrst; LENGTH(~)=20; LENGTH(~)-3=17; result=abcdefghijklmnopq |
The String command converts the input into a string. This could be used if the input needs to be manipulated first and converted into a string afterwards. |
STRING(<input>;filter) <input>: a value Filter: a string that determines the layout for the conversion to string. Filter is optional. |
STRING(1213;"####0.00")="1213.00" STRING(1213;"000000.00")="001213.00" STRING(1213)="1213" These functions can be used in expressions to read in a string representation of an integer value that needs to be manipulated. STRING(~+1) This would take the value of the input, add one (1), and turn it into a string. STRING(~;"########0.00") This would take the value of the input and turn it into a string with a specific layout. |
The Decode function is a way to interpret the string value read in and also to give a predefined result. This can be useful if the value read in is a value within a small range, but the value read in has a different representation than the value in Infor Production Scheduling. (For instance a status that is read in as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 but should be "NO STATUS","LOCKED") |
DECODE(~;<IN1>;<OUT1>;...;<DEFAULT>) <IN1>,<IN2>,...: string on input <OUT1>,<OUT2>,...: the alternative you want it to be <DEFAULT>: string representing the default value to be taken if the value read in is not in the <IN> parameters. This function can take 25 parameters which equals 12 couples <IN>;<OUT> or 11 couples <IN>;<OUT> and a default value. The function is interpreted as follows: CASE OF ~=<IN1> return <OUT1> ~=<IN2> return <OUT2> ELSE IF <DEFAULT> AVAILABLE Return <DEFAULT> ELSE Return <EMPTY STRING> END IF END CASE |
DECODE(~;"1";"A";"2";"B";"C") This will return "A" if the value read in is "1", "B" if the value read in is "2", and "C" in all other cases (as "C" is the default). |
The value that is expected as a result of the function is a boolean value: True or False
Command | Syntax | Examples |
Boolean String A boolean string can be given and its value must be as defined by the format for the data type. |
Format: Logical: True/False/No Value Text: Yes/No/- (these can be filled in, use the defined values Numeric: 2/1/0
Logical Expression Any logical expression can be used. |
<Logical expression>= <value or expression> = <value or expression> <value or expression> # <value or expression> <value or expression> > <value or expression> <value or expression> < <value or expression> <value or expression> >= <value or expression> <value or expression> <= <value or expression> <Logical expression> & <Logical expression> -> AND <Logical expression> | <Logical expression> -> OR <Logical expression> ^| <Logical expression> -> EXCLUSIVE OR NOT(<Logical expression>) -> NEGATION It is recommended that you use the necessary brackets to make the interpretation unambiguous. |
~ = 566 ("~" # "C") | (~ = 1) | (NOT(~ > 4)) ((~ < 100) | (~ > 2)) & ((~ % 2) = 0) If the column type is numeric and you want that value to be interpreted as a string, include double quotes in the expression. If the type is already a string then do not include quotes. |
The value that is expected as a result of the function is an integer value.
Command | Syntax | Examples |
NUM converts a boolean or a string into an integer or real value. Therefore, it can be used here if the value read in converts into an integer. |
NUM(<value>) |
NUM(True)=1 NUM(False)=0 NUM(<Logical expression>)=1/0 NUM("~")=numeric value of the value read in interpreted as a string NUM("a123bfg")=123 |
Operators Several operators can be used to manipulate integer values.
The value that is expected as a result of the function is a real value.
Command | Syntax | Examples |
NUM NUM converts a boolean or a string into an integer or real value. Therefore, it can be used here if the value read in converts into an integer. |
NUM(<value>) |
NUM(True)=1 NUM(False)=0 NUM(<Logical expression>)=1/0 NUM("~")=numeric value of the value read in interpreted as a string NUM("a123bfg")=123 |
Several operators can be used to manipulate integer values.
The value that is expected as a result of the function is a time value.
Command | Syntax | Examples |
Time Value | ?HH:MM:SS? |
?12:12:12? -> 12 hours 12 minutes 12 seconds ?123:12:12? -> 123 hours 12 minutes 12 seconds ?123:12? -> 123 hours 12 minutes ?123? -> 123 hours |
TIME This function turns a time string into a time value. |
TIME(<Time string>) |
TIME("12:12:12") = ?12:12:12? |
TIME STRING This function turns a number of seconds into a time string. |
TIME STRING(<number of seconds>) |
TIME STRING(60) = "00:01:00" TIME STRING(123456) = "34:17:45" TIME STRING(132465789) = "34293:33:09" |
TimeLen2Hr This function converts a number of minutes to a time value. |
TimeLen2Hr(<number of minutes>) |
TimeLen2Hr(1) = ?00:01:00? TimeLen2Hr(60) = ?01:00:00? TimeLen2Hr(1450) = ?24:10:00? TimeLen2Hr(10000) = ?166:40:00? |
Operators There are several operators that can be used here. + - * / \ % |
Time + Time = Time Time - Time = Time Time * Integer = Integer Time / Integer = Integer Time \ Integer = Integer Time % Number = Number The operators that return an integer value can only be used in a function if the result (number of seconds) is converted back into a time value. |
?02:03:04? + ?01:02:03? = ?03:05:07? ?02:03:04? - ?01:02:03? = ?01:01:01? ?02:03:04? + 65 = 7449 ?02:03:04? - 65 = 7319 ?02:03:04? * 2 = 14768 ?02:03:04? / 2 = 3692 ?02:03:04? \ 2 = 3692 ?02:03:04? % 2 = 0 |
The value that is expected as a result of the function is a number of minutes.
Command | Syntax | Examples |
To_Date To_Date converts a date/time string, formatted as defined by the format of the data type, into a number of minutes. |
To_Date(<Date/Time string>) |
The format of the date/time string must be equal to format of the data type. To_Date("12/12/2000 15:50:15")= number of minutes for this date |
TimeCurMnt This function returns the number of minutes for the current moment. |
Operators As the result is a number of minutes, all integer functions can be used to manipulate the result. |
~ + 1440 (add a day) ~ + To_Date("12-12-2000 12:12:12") (sum of two dates) TimeCurMnt + 1440 (a day from now) |