Understanding the Replication Document Manual Request Utility

Only noun/verb combinations that are marked as Active for Manual Request on the Replication Document Outbound Cross References form are shown on the Replication Document Manual Request Utility form. Remember that when you do a filter-in-place, this form returns only the number of rows allows in your current "record cap" setting.

Select the noun/verb combinations you want, and click Process. One BOD request for each record in the table or view associated with the BOD is placed on the replication queue. If a filter is specified for the noun/verb combination in the Replication Document Cross References form, then only records that match the filter are processed.

When processing is complete, the system displays either a success message or an error message next to each selected document.

When the Replication Queue Listener determines that BOD requests are on the queue, it looks up the replication document for each selected BOD noun/verb combination, processes it to generate the BOD XML, and places the BOD XML document in the Replication Documents Outbox.

If you select multiple BODs for processing, the utility processes the BODs in this order: AccountingChart, Process verbs (MDM BODs), and then Sync verbs. If several Process or Sync BODs are selected, the utility processes them in alphabetical order within their group (Process verbs or Sync verbs). If you want to process several BODs separately, be sure to first select any Process (MDM) BODs and run the utility, and then select any Sync BODs and run the utility again.

The Background Queue form is accessible from the Actions menu. This option is enabled only when the Initial Load/Update field is set to Update, and at least one of the selected BODs is set up as Eligible for Background Manual Request on the Replication Document Outbound Cross References form. If more than one BOD is selected, each BOD is processed as a separate background task.

Note:  The utility is not normally run in the background when an application uses trigger points to initiate BOD generation.
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